Thanks Dean

Thanks to Dean for linking to me. He writes: “…like your humble host, TinMan lives across the puddle from Big Gay Metropolis…” At first, I thought he was saying that he lived near New York (BGM-East), like I do, but then I realized that he lives near San Francisco (BGM-West). I’ve only been to San Francisco once, and I was still pre-gay then: I was 14 years old, and I was with my family, and although I knew that I was attracted to males, (1) I never ever would have called myself gay, and (2) I was so naive that I didn’t even associate San Francisco with being gay; I associated it with trolley cars and Riceroni. What did I know?

I wasn’t completely ready to call myself gay until about 2 1/2 years ago, when I was 24. It took me a long time to get there, probably because I was overthinking everything (see below). At some point I should post my coming-out story here. As it stands, I’ve managed to stay up way too late, and I really should get to bed.

One final thing: I watched The X-Files tonight for the first time since the two-part season opener, and I’ve decided that although I really miss David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson still makes the show worth watching. Gillian Anderson: one of the few women who makes me question my sexual orientation.