

I have tentative plans on Saturday to meet up, finally, with this person who I’ve been chatting and talking on the phone with for the past few weeks. I’ll call him Penn. He lives in Manhattan, but lately he’s had to spend most of his time in northern Virginia on business. We talk on the phone at great length, several nights a week, and by this point he knows all about me, and I know lots about him. We seem to click in a way that I haven’t with another person in quite a while.

I’m not sure what to feel, though, because there’s nothing physical to focus on. I haven’t seen his face or encountered him in person. So right now he’s still sort of amorphous — he’s just a voice on the phone. I’m trying not to get too excited, and in fact, what I’m feeling right now is more a curiosity tinged with restrained hopes.

Anyway, he’s hoping to be back in town this weekend; if he is, we’ve decided to meet up on Saturday. I’ll keep you all posted.