The Vagina Monoblogues

The Vagina Monoblogues

First of all, thanks to everyone who pointed out my ignorance of the female anatomy. It turns out that piss does not come out of a woman’s vagina, because the urethra is separate from all that other plumbing. Or something. Anyway, Keithers sent me this lovely illustration, which would be enough to make me gay if I weren’t already. Or maybe I’m just saying that because I’m gay.

But enough about vaginas. Please?


Dean took my thoughts on gayspeak and ran with them to places I wish I’d discovered first. As usual, he’s thought about the things I wish I’d thought about and written about them with elegance and intellectual incisiveness. That’s why they pay grad students the big bucks. (Okay, okay, stop laughing! It’s just a saying.)

These two accounts of a chance meeting four years ago absolutely gave me tingles and a whole lot of hope. It makes me think of something that someone’s mother (not mine) once said, and it’s among the best advice ever given: “Go! You might meet someone!”

Finally, Mike has written a quite beautiful and heartfelt entry about Buffalo; I think it’s one of his best blog entries ever.