A Weekend of Small Enjoyments

A Weekend of Small Enjoyments

Thanks as usual for the words of support, to those of you who wrote me with words of support.

Well, this weekend I’ve fulfilled my patriotic duties and have sunk some money into the American economy. Yesterday I bought three long-sleeve shirts at the Gap. Today I bought — at long last — a cell phone!, as well as a novel (Hornito) and two CDs — the cast albums to “The Producers” and “tick, tick… BOOM!” I’m listening to the latter as I write this. When Mike and I saw it in July, the lead was replaced by an understudy, and now that I’m listening to the album, I think I prefer the understudy’s singing voice. The lead’s voice on the album is too nasal and has too much trilly vibrato. (Without the vibrato, he sounds a lot like Anthony Rapp, actually.) But I’m being pleasantly reminded of how catchy and tuneful the music is. (That’s gotta be one of the most generic musical compliments in the world, but… well, it’s true.)

While walking down Broadway I ran into Andy, but he and his walking companion seemed to be in a hurry to get somewhere, so we didn’t get a chance to chat.

Last night I got to meet many of the members of CanadaGirl’s gay softball team. Of the cute guys, one of them had a boyfriend, one of them was there with his boyfriend, and one of them was straight. The teams were having an end-of-season awards gathering at G, and I met up with them there afterwards and we all went to Republic for dinner. Republic is a huge, cavernous restaurant on Union Square that sells Asian-ish food — noodles, soups, and so forth. I had a huge bowl of delicious pad thai.

The boyfriend of one of the cute guys was very complimentary of my looks and my body type. He actually put his hands on both sides of my waist so he could see my waist size for himself. That was kinda fun, and it made me feel good, too.

Afterwards, CanadaGirl, myself, and one of the other softball players went to Dick’s Bar on Second Avenue, where the friend played three or four games of pool and CanadaGirl and I hung out with another of CanadaGirl’s lesbian friends who showed up. ‘Twas fun.

I’m not sure if this recent desultory mood of mine is related to the terrorist attacks, or the new job, or the disenchantment with my apartment. Probably a combination of all three. Also, I look forward to Rosh Hashannah every year, because we have a big meal, two days in a row, and the family gets to be together. But the High Holidays are over for another year, and, well, here we are.

When I was a kid, the winter used to be my favorite time of year, and I hated the summer. In the past few years, things seem to have changed. I’m kind of sad that the summer’s over, and the chilly weather is leaving me depressed instead of invigorated. I don’t know what’s going on.

One of you (or maybe a few of you) suggested I focus on making the little things enjoyable, so that’s what I’ve done this weekend. New shirts, the new convenience of a cell phone (I no longer have to feel disconnected when I’m walking around Manhattan), a couple of new CDs, a new book to read. Oh — and did I mention I’ve finally subscribed to the New York Times? On actual paper? This way, I won’t have to squander my working hours reading it on the Web, and I can just cozy up in my bed on weekend mornings and read the Sunday paper.

By the way, I’ve realized I don’t require Internet access in order to waste time at work. Sometimes I just find myself sitting at my desk, inadvertently staring off into space for five or ten minutes at a time.

I’ve always been very good at that.

Oh, on Friday night I got a blowjob at the Phoenix.

I’m not quite sure how it happened. I mean, I didn’t go down to the restroom with the intention of getting a blowjob. It just sorta happened. Before I got to the door of the men’s room, this guy wearing an open leather jacket and no shirt put his hand on my crotch, and — well — we wound up in a stall in the women’s room.

Afterwards, I felt pretty icky. But I’m going to file this under the category of experiencing new things.

Well, time for dinner!