

Well, I’ve decided not to see “The Lord of the Rings” tonight. I’m exhausted. My sleep schedule is all fucked. A summary:

Sunday night: After writing Sunday night’s entry about Kirk and publishing and everything, I crawled into bed and was all antsy and angry and edgy and energetic. I didn’t fall asleep until after 3. Total sleep: 5 hours

Monday night: To make up for Sunday night, I wound up going to bed at 9:45 and waking up around 8 the next morning, with a short interlude of awakeness at around 2:30 in the morning. Total sleep: 10 hours

Tuesday night: Despite those 10 hours of sleep, when I went to work on Tuesday, I was sleepy and congested again. I wound up leaving the office at 3, came home and napped for an hour. I think the nap screwed me up, because I couldn’t fall asleep last night either. I was up until 7 in the morning, when I finally fell asleep for a little while. Total sleep: 2 hours

That left me completely non-functional, so I took a sick day today. I’ve been a zombie again, spending huge chunks of the day trying to fall asleep but not being able to do it. So if I go to see the movie at 11:00 tonight, (a) I might fall asleep, or at least I’ll be so tired that I won’t be able to enjoy it, and (b) I won’t get home until around 3:15, will get into bed at 3:30, won’t fall asleep until 4, and will have to get up at 8:15 tomorrow morning, at the latest.

I think I’ll wind up seeing it tomorrow night instead. Unfortunately I’ve already bought my ticket to tonight’s show, so it looks like I’ll have to eat $9.75.

Dammit. I’ve gotta wait another 24 hours to see this thing…

One thought on “Insomniac

  1. Funny, my sleep schedule has been alsmost the same, the whole feast-then-famine scenario. Added, it’s been the same for my co-workers too. Maybe it’s a weather thing.


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