
Do you ever find yourself mired in a place of self-disgust, in which you think that you totally suck and that you don’t know how to make decisions about anything in your life, but you don’t want to write about any of that on your blog, because when you started blogging again you vowed to yourself that you wouldn’t write things like that anymore, but nevertheless you sort of do want to write about it, because writing about things helps you process them, and at least it’s more interesting than writing about cheese sandwiches, and the more interesting your entries are, the more readers you get, and you might as well mine your neuroses for material?


OK, then, have you ever noticed that when you brush your teeth with an electric toothbrush and watch TV at the same time, the TV screen vibrates, as does everything on it, but nothing else does? Not the TV itself, not anything else in the room — just the TV screen?

It’s really freaky.

5 thoughts on “Fear

  1. I can totally relate to the first comment, although I don’t think I have that many readers.

    If you are correct though, I have a goldmine of entries and could have many readers.

    And I have never brushed near the tv, not sure what effcet a sonicare brush would have, but will find out tonight.

  2. I, too, have been able to make the television screen vibrate, usually by eating certain hard, crunchy foods. The first time I saw it, I thought I was having a stroke. Now I just pretend I’m in Videodrome Lite.

    Also, when I first got my Crest Spinbrush Pro I placed it on a shelf in my bathroom and just let it run in my mouth, while my hands hung limply at my sides. I decided that if I was going to be lazy enough to use a battery-operated toothbrush, I shouldn’t have to actually hold it, either. Next to market: spinbrush stands!

  3. Eating hard, crunchy food also serves to make the numerals on microwave clocks vibrate, at least in my experience. How pensive.

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