8 thoughts on “Buffy 7.22: Chosen

  1. As an occasional BUFFY viewer, I enjoyed this last episode, but feel that I must of missed a lot of details in which the faithful with revel.

    I have questions…

    1) How did Buffy survive being impaled from behind down in the Hellmouth?

    2) If the Hellmouth is just sort of a big sub-basement under the school, why wasn’t it uncovered and opened when the school was destroyed the first time?

    3) What happened to all the regular citizens of Sunnydale at the end? Were they all just sacrificed for the greater good? At the end, various characters lament the loss of the stores and landmarks, but no one mentions the people.

  2. 1) Because she’s Buffy.

    2) I can’t remember…

    3) Sunnydale was evacuated over the last few months, as residents learned of the impending apocalypse. So the town was empty.

  3. Hi there =)

    Yes, you don’t know me. I have just been reading your Buffy reviews for the past Season so would just like to thank you for posting such interesting reviews.

    The episode rocks doesn’t it? *wink*

  4. I loved the finale, but will miss the show. At least we still have Angel!

    And remember, Buffy has been stabbed before and survived. In Season 5’s “Fool for Love,” she is fighting a vamp who turns her own stake on herself. Riley saves her, and her super slayer healing powers kick in pretty fast.

  5. I wasn’t going to get home until late Tuesday night, so I made sure I set the VCR earlier in the morning. Made some dinner and sat down in front of the TV/VCR to watch the last “Buffy” episode.

    Very excited. Waited all day for this. Woo hoo.

    I begin to fast forward through the first few minutes of the tape to find the start point of Buffy’s last stand.


    I’m find I’m watching the season finale of “Gilmore Girls.”

    I set the wrong damn channel.


    I think it was The First’s last strike at me from the depths of Hell.

    Anyhow, it sounds like it was a good episode.

  6. Tinman, beautiful review of Chosen – couldn’t have said it better myself. I was so worried when we were only going to get an hour-long finale, but it was perfect in the end. I miss it already. I am glad that at least Angel will return…with Spike. The worst of it was seeing Spike die, but I’m glad to know he’ll be back.

    You are the best of the Buffy-Acedamia, Tinman…all studies of Buffy should rely on you!

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