NJ Gay Marriage

Forgot to mention this, but if you hadn’t already heard, New Jersey’s gay marriage case was dismissed by a trial court on Wednesday. That’s not so bad, however. This case was never going to be resolved at the trial-court level. Indeed, according to this press release from Lambda Legal:

“More than anything, this ruling propels us forward to higher courts where both sides have always known it will be decided. Today’s ruling speeds the clock up toward the day lesbian and gay couples in New Jersey can seek the protections they need for their families from the state’s high court.”

We’ll see. The New Jersey Supreme Court is one of the nation’s more liberal high courts, and it was this court that ruled that James Dale should be allowed to be part of the Boy Scouts (a decision that was reversed by the U.S. Supreme Court, of course). Then again, the Massachusetts high court is also one of the nation’s more liberal high courts, yet it’s been procrastinating on issuing a decision in the Massachusetts gay marriage case for almost four months now.

So who knows what’ll happen. Exciting stuff, regardless.