Holy Crow

Holy crow.

High Court in Massachusetts Rules Gays Have Right to Marry.

“Massachusetts’ highest court ruled Tuesday that same-sex couples are legally entitled to wed under the state constitution, but stopped short of allowing marriage licenses to be issued to the couples who challenged the law.

“The Supreme Judicial Court’s 4-3 ruling ordered the Legislature to come up with a solution within 180 days.”

Excerpts from the decision.

Here’s the Boston Globe’s page on the case.

Here’s Reuters (via CNN).

There’s sure to be plenty of stuff on GLAD’s marriage page, since GLAD helped bring the case.

More later, including the full opinion, I’m sure (which will probably be available here, and all over the Web).

Holy shit.

3 thoughts on “Holy Crow

  1. I agree. I’m only part way though the opinion with occasional diversions to read the media’s take on the ruling (the FRC is pissssssed offfffff!) but I’m willing to bet the conservatives and some middle-of-the-road lawmakers in Massachusetts will nullify the ruling by amending the state constitution.

  2. As you’ve got the legal backgound, I’m curious as to what you make of the court handing it over to the legislature to “come up with a solution”?

    I don’t think it bodes well.

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