Thank You!

A big thank you to those who have so far bought me birthday presents from my wish list: my friend Jere, who bought me the album of Mack & Mabel, and the as-yet-unknown people who bought me the albums of Passion and Pippin. (The last two haven’t arrived yet, so I don’t yet know the identities of the gift-givers.)

I can’t believe I’m going to be 30 in three days. Oy.

2 thoughts on “Thank You!

  1. You’re welcome, and Happy Birthday (Pippin is from me, and it has been shipped, though regrettably too late to make it to you before it becomes a belated gift). Hope you enjoy it.

    Oh, my thirties were much, much better than my twenties, and so far my forties seem to promise better things still.

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