One thought on “TiVo Article

  1. Someone here mentioned how their cable company provided a digital video recorder (DVR) service, an alternative to the TiVo/ReplayTV solution. These two type of solutions are about consumer-control vs bigmoney-control.

    Avoid cable-company DVR’s.

    [] They can (and do) check what shows and which episodes you record, and for how long, and how often you view them. This is about gaining “more accurate industry ratings” and establishing “accurate consumer profiles” for future efforts at “individualised/household-specific advertisements”. Ratings = advertisement rates = bigmoney profits
    [] commericials — one day soon, you will not be able to skip commercials, first on the centralised service, next on the consumer boxes. But, for consumers, (unsupported, 3rd party, foreign-created-sold) modifications will soon be sold for boxes that are only sold with the commercial-“feature” welded to the ON position.

    Next feature of these TiVo-esque widgets –> removable media, the size of SD/SIM cards enabling you to carry your favourite sheep-shearing competition in your pocket.

    .rob adams

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