A Mac?

I’ve had Macintosh fever lately. I want a Mac. The fever has subsided in the last few days, but over the long Memorial Day weekend it was especially strong. For some reason, last Friday morning I found myself browsing all over the Apple website, checking out the different product lines and pricing different machines. Then on Sunday I spent a long time at the Apple Store in SoHo.

I don’t know exactly why I want a Mac. There seem to be several reasons: they look so damn cool, I keep hearing how elegant the Mac OS interface is, OS X is beautiful visually, and also I’m just darn curious and I feel like I’m missing out on something. The thing is, I bought a new computer just over a year ago — a Dell with Windows XP — so it might be a while before I get around to buying a Mac. Unless I sell my Dell. Or, I could get an eMac, maybe, since they’re cheaper.

Anyway, in order to boost my confidence, I’d be interested in hearing from any Mac users who might have some input/advice/reasons why I should switch.

5 thoughts on “A Mac?

  1. I love my mac and wouldn’t give it up for anyone! Just how beautiful they are is enough for me. I have a 15″ PB and LOVE it. Bluetooth is a great technology, especially for a portable computer. Don’t resist the urge to be superior!

  2. im not a big computer guy, but all i’ve ever had is a mac. i like it. i’d consider waiting a month before buying though, as there is some big computer shindig goin’ down at the end of june and new stuff might be announced. prices might drop on used stuff then. or you can get a bargain on old stock, or if you simply must have the latest and greatest, you can wait awhile and then you will be on top of the heap for like, a day, at least….haha.

  3. I’ve been in IT for seven years now and use both Macs and Wintels everyday at work and home. Only with the release of Mac OS X do I honestly consider Macs can replace Wintels. “Panther,” OS 10.3 is truly a work of art and industry. It is the most stable OS Apple could ever dream of, due entirely to its BSD UNIX core. It is fast, efficient, and compatible.

    But for me Macs just don’t have enough software base to replace my Wintel box. There’s just no reason for me to leave the Wintel camp.

  4. I just got my first Apple computer last summer. It is so pretty. The operating system rocks. I especially love the fast-wake feature (coming out of sleep mode). It’s also a million times quieter than my old Gateway PC. Plus, it’s pretty.

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