
We’re back from Tennessee.

I’ll write all about it, but first, I can no longer deny the obvious.

I have gained weight.

I never gain weight. Weight gain is as foreign to me as, say, sickle cell anemia. It’s just something I’ve never had to worry about. I have a big appetite, and I’ve always been able to eat as much as I wanted to while staying thin.

I’m not talking about a lot of weight here. I’m still at a healthy weight for my height. But I can no longer fit into the 29-waist jeans I bought last December. I remember wearing them comfortably at one point this summer, even. But a couple of weeks ago, I tried to button them and I could barely breathe. So I went out and bought a pair of 32 jeans, which fit me comfortably, if a little loosely. Wearing 32-waist jeans is not unprecedented for me, but it’s been a long time since I’ve needed them.

I’ve weighed myself on two different scales in the last few days, and sure enough, I appear to have gained 10 pounds since the last time I weighed myself. A year, year and a half ago, I was actually down to 125 pounds, which had surprised me, since I’d normally been around 130. (I’m just under 5’6″.) But now I seem to be weighing in at 139 or 140.

I don’t know what’s causing this. It could be the Celexa I’ve been taking for a year. It could be all the eating out Matt and I have done. It could be the effects of age (I’m 30 now, and maybe my metabolism has slowed). I hope it’s not the latter, because that would be something I’d just be stuck with.

All I know is, I’ve never had to exercise or watch what I eat in order to stay thin. I guess I’ll just have to start.


5 thoughts on “Weight

  1. Pingback: The Tin Man » Goatee Again

  2. First, welcome to your 30’s. Weight gain is just part of the equation. Believe me, I know. Second, you are in a loving, healthy relationship. That is a sure-fire cause of weight gain. Believe me, I know. Lastly, enjoy the bliss of having someone who loves you no matter how you are. Nothing feels better. Believe me, I know.

  3. The moment I hit 30 I discovered I could no longer eat like I used to- for the first time in my life I could easily gain weight. Since then I’ve watched my weight creep up from 175 to 190. I really should exercise more, but I’ve also discovered laziness increases after 30 as well.

  4. I know you don’t want to hear it, but I third that. What they said. When I hit 30 – insanely, to the very month – I started gaining weight, with no change in what I ate (quite a lot) or how much I exercised (is mousing cardio?). It’s like the body instinctively knows you’re about to go through a decade change, which is psychologically difficult enough in itself, so it throws in a bit of physiological mayhem for good measure. The bastard.

    The answer: you have to change your lifestyle. Yep. Really. Sorry.

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