I Live Here, Too

I’ve gotten over being depressed. Now I’m just pissed. I’m not moving to Canada; this is my country, too, and nobody gets to tell me to leave. Forty-nine percent of the country voted against W — and probably even more, but thanks to likely voter fraud, we can’t know for sure. And don’t hate the red states — there are plenty of blue-staters in that part of the country. (Except not so much in Nebraska, Kansas or Oklahoma.)

A 51-percent, 3.5-million popular-vote win seems shocking only because Bush lost the popular vote in 2000. In reality, W won the popular vote by the narrowest margins of any candidate since 1976. That’s not a mandate. That’s not some overwhelming voice of the people.

Two out of three Americans are not evangelical Christians. There are more of us than there are of them.

The gay marriage amendments? Read Evan Wolfson’s piece, to which I linked yesterday. Momentum is on our side. Young people are on our side, and they’re our country’s future. Remember — forty years ago, bans on interracial marriage were still legal.

As for the Supreme Court, Lawrence v. Texas was decided 6-3. If Rehnquist and O’Connor had retired and been replaced by archconservatives after Democratic filibusters were overcome, we still would have won Lawrence, 5-4. We must not relax, though. Justice Stevens, please hang on for a few more years. O’Connor, you too.

This is my fucking country, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let some bigots take it away from me.

4 thoughts on “I Live Here, Too

  1. Thanks, friend…just the post I needed as a pick-me-up. Things will change, we’ll be back on top in no time. Thanks for putting things into perspective.


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