Days Off

I have off from work today, because tomorrow is Abraham Lincoln’s birthday.

Not this coming Monday, but the following Monday, I have off from work for Washington’s birthday. Yep – we get not just one President’s Day, but two.

Every year I get 20 vacation days, 15 sick days, three “administrative leave” days (which I can use as I see fit), and 14 state/federal holidays.

Wow – I just realized that out of about 260 weekdays per year, I get 52 days off. That’s a full 20 percent.

Don’t you hate me?

5 thoughts on “Days Off

  1. In contrast, I get 15 vacation days, 6 holidays, and 5 sick days. That totals 26 days- half of yours :( I guess that is what happens when you work for a small company.

  2. In the federal government we only get nine federal holidays; what are the other five that the state gives you (besides Lincoln’s Birthday)?

    Oh, I’ve heard that excessive gloating could cause your penis to fall off. Best be careful.

  3. I get:

    New Year’s Day
    MLK’s Birthday
    Lincoln’s Birthday
    Washington’s Birthday
    Good Friday (yeah, I don’t know why either)
    Memorial Day
    July 4th
    Labor Day
    Columbus Day
    Election Day
    Veteran’s Day
    Thanksgiving Day
    Day after Thanksgiving

  4. Wow, it’s like you’re French or something. Everyone gets on my case about being a state employee and getting so much time off, but it’s a fallacy. I’ve been a civil servant less than seven years and, since we have to accrue leave, I never seem to have enough for all the traveling I want to do.

    Yes, I hate you.

  5. I don’t hate you. I get 55 days off in June/July/August.

    In addition to that, I get the following 29 days:

    – MLK Day
    – the week of President’s Day (aka “ski week”)
    – Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and the week after Easter (aka “spring break”)
    – Memorial Day
    – Labor Day
    – Columbus Day
    – the Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of Thanksgiving
    – two weeks for Christmas and New Year’s

    There are several days at the beginning of June, the end of August, and the end of December that are largely administrative: I have to show up, but I don’t really have any work to do. That’s probably true of every job.

    I also accrue sick leave and administrative leave (“personal days”), although I usually can’t just use them to extend my spring or summer break indefinitely.

    I do receive paychecks in the summertime, which is the sweetest thing in the entire universe.

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