Rich Moves to Op-Ed

Frank Rich is moving back to the Op-Ed page.

Good. As I wrote recently, he was never a good match for the Sunday Arts & Leisure section. He’s too cranky and opinionated. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being so opinionated — in fact, I encourage it — but the Op-Ed page will be a much better fit for him. He’s going to be part of an expanded two-page “Op-Ed package” on Sundays.

Still, I cringed for two reasons when I read these words: Bill Keller, executive editor, and Gail Collins, editor of the editorial page, said, “We all hope this expansion will create new interest and buzz.” One, did Bill Keller and Gail Collins actually speak those words simultaneously? How Stepford. Two, the word “buzz” evokes Tina Brown, not The New York Times.

This is why I hate press releases. Ick.

2 thoughts on “Rich Moves to Op-Ed

  1. Someone needs to fire Gail Collins. When you get to the point where an editorial on the death of airline pillows gets published, you really need to take a good look at yourself and wonder where your priorities really are.

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