NYT Wedding Snobbiness

To complete my trifecta of New York Times-related posts today, here’s an entertaining thread on the NYT Wedding Announcements blog in response to a letter written to the blog’s author complaining that the New York Times weddings page has become too inclusive:

My point: we have morons editing the society pages for the Times. The announcements are awful. Rarely is anyone of true significance or social prominence mentioned… Sorry to sound so crazy, but we “true people of some significance and accomplishment” get annoyed when wannabe’s get presstime that should be ours.

The responses are fun.

Also, here’s a same-sex wedding announcement today for Andrew Kurtzman, a local CBS political reporter who I didn’t know was gay. He married a member of the New York City Ballet in Toronto. Cute photo.

3 thoughts on “NYT Wedding Snobbiness

  1. The story of those two guys getting married in Canada is just adorable. What is it about New York City Ballet guys?

    I think of poet Frank O’Hara falling in love with dancer Vincent Warren 40 years ago. (sigh)

  2. I love the wedding announcement for Kirtzman and Froman. I wonder when the Atlanta Journal-Constitution will start doing this. hmmmm….probably not in my lifetime. :(

  3. The new husband, incidentally, could not have come off worse in this piece if it had been written by one of their exes. “I was about to ignore him, then he told me he was on television.” “I handed him an invitation to a party, which, by the way, he never came to.”

    In this light, I can’t entirely object to the complaint of that stick-up-the-ass bitch. This is not Times-worthy.

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