Lewis v. Harris

I didn’t even know this until today, but last week, the New Jersey Appellate Division issued a decision in Lewis v. Harris, the state’s same-sex marriage case. The Appellate Division, 2-1, affirmed the trial court’s ruling against same-sex marriage. (The decision includes a published dissent, which should be interesting reading.) This is not really a big deal, because everyone has known that the outcome ultimately depends on the New Jersey Supreme Court, which now gets the case. It’ll probably take at least a year to get through the state supreme court, after which I expect this liberal court to find same-sex marriage constitutional in the state. (It was the New Jersey Supreme Court that issued the pro-gay decision in the Boy Scouts case a few years ago, which of course got overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court.)

We shall see.

(Here’s a Lambda Legal press release on the decision.)