Hottie McFurniture

The guy who came to my old apartment last night to buy my bed was hot. He wore a sleeveless t-shirt and had tan, smooth, muscled arms (one with a tattoo), a swimmer’s body, and glasses. He was totally straight – his girlfriend was the one who first contacted me – but I get a thrill out of thinking that he’ll be having sex in my bed.

(And yes, I’ve already thought of the joke about asking him if he wanted to test it out first.)

The guy who’s picking up my couch on Saturday is cute. He came by the other night to take a look at it. He’s very tall, also with glasses, and was shy and quiet and friendly. He’s straight, too – it was his girlfriend who first contacted me about the couch.

Everyone else who’s buying my furniture is female, so no thrills there.

4 thoughts on “Hottie McFurniture

  1. I just sold a coffee table this week, and I told the girl who was buying it that it was fairly heavy so she might want to bring someone to help her carry it. She showed up with her husband, who was so beefcaked out he looked like something out of a comic book or maybe a GI Joe figurine. I mean, this guy was HUUUUUGE.

    Normally, I don’t find gigantic muscles hot, but he was adorable — called my friend Jose “sir” (I’d had him come over just in case my Craigslist furniture buyer turned out to be an axe murderer) and blushed when I said, “Wow, okay, I was going to tell you how heavy this is but I think you can handle it.” SO cute.

  2. I love guys with glasses too …have always been attracted to them. My boyfriend sometimes wears contacts, but when he has his glasses on, I’m all over him … :)

  3. Now did you tell the bed buyer and the sofa buyer that you’ve had hot gay sex on both pieces? And there my friends is the reason why I’m a little afraid to buy used beds or sofas from anyone (and we’ve all seen stories on Dateline where they scan the beds for bodily fluids with those specials lights).

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