Schwarzenegger’s Veto

In regard to Schwarzenegger’s planned veto of the gay-marriage bill: I like Rob’s point about the fact that Prop 22 was five years ago. And as I said yesterday, what’s the point of having a legislature if things can be decided by public initiative? Particularly things that have no effect on most of the public?

I can see Schwarzenegger’s point, though – a point that has not been communicated well. (I certainly didn’t know about it.) The San Francisco Chronicle explains about Prop 22: “Because it was passed by initiative, it can’t be amended without another public vote, under state constitutional rules that protect the public’s right to make laws at the ballot box.” I don’t know anything about California law, but if that’s true, then the law seems to be on Schwarzenegger’s side.

That doesn’t make it right, though. As Matt P. said, the popular initiative is a bad idea.