5 thoughts on “Kennedy as Swing

  1. Considering that Roe v. Wade’s trimester contortions were based on medical science ^at the time^, and survival rate at 25 weeks of preemies is now 50-80%, I think it OUGHT to be an easy call once it gets back to the Supreme Court. See here: here http://www.pediatrics.wisc.edu/patientcare/preemies/anticipating.html
    for details on survival rates.

    I think once you get to a 50% chance the baby survives, partial-birth abortion, no matter how rare, has to go. By 26-27 weeks, 64% of all babies will a) survive, and b) not have major disabilities. 80% survive, and 80% of that 80% will develop pretty much normally. Medicine has gone a long way in 32 years.

  2. Yes, Huntington, the term ‘partial birth abortion’ is extremely loaded and deliberately so! I think it was coined by the ‘pro-lifers’ who should be called ‘anti-choicers’ really. All they care about is the UNBORN life anyway!

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