Chorus Concert

Our chorus performed our annual holiday concert last night. It was a lot of fun, etc. etc. But whatever – the biggest highlight for me occurred after the concert:

us with buffy's mom

That’s us with Buffy’s mom, Kristine Sutherland. She and her family are very close with a member of our chorus and his partner. We also met her husband, actor John Pankow, although I feel that in our geeky Buffy-fanboy-ness we neglected him.

12 thoughts on “Chorus Concert

  1. Wow cool. I wouldnt know her if I ran into her. Coincidentaly, I saw John Pankow at a restaurant the day after New Years Day and we sat there going “hmmm he looks familiar… I know him from somewhere…” This went on the entire meal. We even asked the waiter and he was like “Yeah he does look familiar. His name escapes me.” Finally the manager told us it was John Pankow on the way out, and I was like oh yea Cousin Ira!!! (He was in 12 Angry Men on Broadway last year).
    I guess my celebrity radar needs a fine tuning.

  2. I saw John Pankow at your concert and was mystified for a while – thought I knew him from real life. Then I realized he was Cousin Ira, but couldn’t really believe it. Thought he was pretty hot back then. Thanks for verifying my celebrity spotting.

  3. I’m not sure which emotion is stronger, how much I totally hate you due to jealousy, or how embarassed I am at the intensity of the aforementioned jealousy/hate. Ah well, I guess there is no denying my own Buffy-inspired geekness.

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