
We watched a movie on Saturday night and another one yesterday. Saturday night was a very cute coming-out and coming-of-age movie called Dorian Blues. Better than your average such movie. I recommend it as a rental.

Yesterday was Walk the Line, which I liked more than I thought I would. The difference between Walk the Line and Brokeback Mountain is that in Walk the Line, the lovers actually use the fishing gear they bought.

Yesterday I also had a training session at my gym. My trainer has been teaching me how to use free weights, and this week I’ll start a new workout routine incorporating them. He also gave me a boost of encouragement: he told me that shorter guys can build muscle easier than some other people can. That was good to hear.

On Saturday night, Matt and I had dinner at the Waverly Restaurant (our local neighborhood diner – it’s always nice to have a local neighborhood diner) and discussed what we’ll do about housing and whatnot as of next summer. We’re likely staying in our free housing (which we get from Matt’s job) at least through then. After that point, we may actually need to (gasp) pay rent. What will we be able to afford? Will we have to move to another neighborhood in the city? Oddly, almost all our friends live in the triple digits, but I really really like living where we do. Will I have to get a higher-paying job? And what do I really want to do with my life? Am I satisfied with it right now? Do I expect too much out of life?

Saturday night’s restaurant talk led into the usual Sunday blues, which I’m pretty sure I wrote about recently. I think I need to start planning a Sunday activity ahead of time, so I have something to do. I thought about going to a concert at Avery Fisher Hall yesterday, but for some reason I didn’t. I can never figure out what I want to do on Sundays, because I worry too much about trying to fill the time in the most enjoyable way possible before beginning the five-day work week again. But maybe if I do something that will let me experience flow, I won’t experience the Sunday blues as much.

I did feel better late yesterday afternoon once I sat down and put Walk the Line into the DVD player. Sitting around watching a movie seems like such a lazy activity. But it worked. I felt better.

I need to not be so hard on myself.

4 thoughts on “Flow

  1. Have you guys seen “Just a Question of Love” (“Juste une question d’amour”)? Mark and I usually shy away from anything both French and gay for fear of being totally depressed, but we took a chance and put this one in our Netflix cue a couple of months ago. It was actually quite good.

  2. Yes, stop being so hard on yourself! Not every second of the weekend has to be filled with some improving activity. Sometimes the best activity is doing nothing with the person you love. I should start writing greeting cards. Gag ;)

  3. Highly dense, unprocessed, uncooked Protien is the corner-stone to human civilization.

    You’ll notice very fast results and, if done properly, lotsa next-morning-pain with free-weights. If you want to grow even faster, using a now old tried-n-true ossi/e_german method, eat about 2-4 raw eggs an hour before working out (break them into a glass and just gulp 1 down at a time, without breaking the yolk mid-mouth). Just take special pains not to break the shell into the egg. The inside of a raw egg contains no deadly bacteria, just the shell.

    You should also post your “progress pictures”, as is now the hype with young, mcd-eatin-fitness-aware Americans:

    Be happy you lack the typical american-fat.
    Fat stores all sorts of biohazards for people, and is incredibly hard to shed.


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