
Okay, lifting free weights is definitely harder than using the machines…

Ow ow ow. Okay, maybe not ow ow ow, but sore sore sore.

This evening was my first time doing the free weights on my own. Now that I’m at the other end of the floor, I’m a bit more intimidated than I was when I was on the machines. The guys have bigger muscles and there’s more grunting. And I don’t feel like I totally have the hang of it yet.

But my body got a good workout tonight, so I guess that’s a good sign.

One thought on “Grunt

  1. Oooohhhh, you’ve graduated to the big-mary side of the gym. Honey, take it from a gymrat, don’t be intimidated. Half these boys don’t have the hang of it either; they just pretend they do. And trust me, all you have to say to some of them is “boo” and they jump. Oh, btw, who is your trainer?

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