What Readers?

This blog really used to be something.

However, several things have happened.

(1) My life is not as exciting as it used to be. (This is not necessarily a bad thing.)

(2) I am not as neurotic as I used to be. (This is a good thing.)

(3) There are way more blogs than there used to be, so there are way more gay blogs than there used to be, so it’s harder for any one blog to stand out.

I’m sure there are other factors as well.

Anyway, I don’t have anything approaching the devoted readership that I used to have. I certainly get way fewer comments than I once did, leading me to believe that most of my posts elicit no more than a collective *shrug* from the homoblogosphere.

To be a popular gay blogger these days, it seems like you have to be a bear or hang out with bears. I’m not a bear and I don’t really hang out with bears much.

I’m not a very witty writer. The people need their wit quotient. I can’t really provide it.

I don’t stick to one topic, so there’s not really a built-in audience for my blog. This isn’t a gay rights blog or a “here are the adventures of my crazy life” blog or a theater blog or a blog about history or politics or crosswords. It’s an everything blog. (Like an everything bagel.) I write about whatever interests me at any given moment. And sometimes I’m interested in some obscure things. For instance, I just finished reading the second volume of a three-volume series written in the late 1960’s about the history of radio and television broadcasting in the United States. I think it’s fascinating stuff.

I don’t have photos of me on my site anymore. I took them down because of my job search – I didn’t want potential employers to be able to confirm that this was my site. But as I shift focus in my search, maybe it won’t matter so much if potential employers find my blog.

I really shouldn’t dwell on this, and I won’t. I’ll just continue to write about whatever the hell I want to write about. Fewer people read my words than in the past, but I guess that’s okay. Not everyone can have the popularity of JoeMyGod.

17 thoughts on “What Readers?

  1. Hey Tinman, you are still one of my favorites! I read you every-single-day and when you don’t write something I become deeply depressed (not really, but you I really like to see what exciting NYC things you are doing). Besides, you are utterly cute.

  2. Your writing skills and ability to keep your blog honest and in line with only your own interests are what makes you a better read, and a much more interesting person, than the ‘popular’ bloggers could ever hope to be.

  3. I’m always out here, whether I read you through Bloglines or actually come here. Often, I don’t leave a comment, but that doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate your blog. Life is just too rushed to give you the attention I might otherwise give.

    Besides, it’s your blog, so you do what you want with it. Don’t worry about how many people like it. It’s not a contest!

  4. The book “Tube” is a good history of the technical development of the cathode ray tube….. I like your blog. –James

  5. Well, this soon-to-be-bear thinks all the blog action is happening at the skinny, little, mindless twinky blogs (and no, I’m not bitter). Hence that annoying bitch school situation in Las Vegas…

    Okay, maybe I am.

    And p.s.: I think you’re damn witty, especially in your comments at other places!

  6. I’m going to go on record as being in the pro-Tinman camp. I make a point to read every day, even if I don’t comment. And, btw, I prefer a good “everything” blog.

  7. I find this an interesting site and find I come here because I do not really know what topic I might find you writing about. That is a good thing!

    BTW, having been a broadcast journalist I find the book you are reading of interest. If you want to try another book on a somewhat related topic try “Eisenhower and the Mass Media” by Craig Allen. A good thoughful read.

    See you again here in cyber space.

  8. I don’t read JoeMyGod Tinman, but I read you. Then again, the old “We Are Not Worthy” routine is a sure fire comment booster isn’t it. Mate, do you want, write what you want, how you want. Its the sincerity that comes through, and the fun, and the NY state of mind. Take care and hang loose.

  9. I’ve always loved your blog. I have some of the same issues you do…my readership has taken a nose-dive recently…but I’m still blogging. I hope you do to.

  10. Tin Man good. You are one of my favorite feeds.

    Joe. My. Who?

    [Argh, enough with the dissing of Joe. That wasn’t my intention at all! – Tin Man]

  11. TM.

    It’s not important to be a gay blogger. You should really consider how trustworthy and moral you are to be secreting a double-life personality online. Keep your chin up, the attraction of fame and fortune as a “web-based life model” seems to be wearing thin. THAT’S GOOD.

    Remember how free you once were, when feeding a bunch of bored gay nerds your tender thoughtful tidbits was NOT so draining.



  12. I agree with your weariness over the whole ‘bear-blog’ business. It’s just 9th grade, again. That whole groupthink fashion-statement ‘popular-blog’ herd mentality really grows old.

    But then, it’s a chicken-or-egg situation, isn’t it? Are the bearbloggers boring because they are have such a compelling need to belong to a group? Or do they need to belong to a group/type because they’re boring?

    Sorry, had to get this off my chest. It’s just that so many of THOSE seem to be stuck in a loop, repeating their highschool traumas… and you, sir, are a breath of fresh air. A fully formed, complex human being, with opinions and ideas and the balls to be yourself.

    Keep it up!

  13. “gay” and “bear” blogs, and those who cuddle up next to them are the latest trend. you were here first. Keep writing what you do. It’s real. It’s readable. And it’s refreshing. And you’re right … you’re not as neurotic as you used to be.


  14. Tin Man,

    I may not be gay, much of a blogger or very intellectual, actually I hate computers. But I think all of the things you write about are refreshing in your views. Even if I don’t know much about the topic. Mainly I think your arguements are well thought out and backed. And if you don’t know shit about the topic, you are up-front about it. Even if no one reads it, it still makes you feel better to write it out. So keep it up.

  15. A blog is ultimately the property of the writer. IMO, readership is secondary to the author’s needs and interests. Everything blogs are quite OK.

    For whatever it’s worth, you’ve got a fan north of the border.

  16. I check out your blog regularly (NOT stalking here!), but never leave comments. You’re far wittier than any number of other bloggers I read, so don’t sell yourself short. This guy up in the great NW completely loves it.

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