Ben Stein on Tax Cuts

Even though he’s a nutjob on gay issues, Ben Stein has written a terrific piece on why tax cuts are out of control.

Essentially, he points out the flaws in the tax-cutters’ arguments:

– Tax increases are not “class warfare,” because the rich already pay a smaller percentage of their taxes than other people do.

– Tax cuts do not increase revenue: revenues were higher in the Clinton era.

– History shows that it’s nearly impossible to cut government spending; government spending has risen almost every year since 1940.

– It’s ridiculous to say that deficits don’t matter. “[I]f it doesn’t matter, why bother to even discuss balancing the budget? Why have taxes at all? Why not just print money the way Weimar Germany did? Why not abolish taxes and add trillions to the deficit each year? Why don’t we all just drop acid, turn on, tune in and drop out of responsibility in the fiscal area? If deficits don’t matter, why not spend as much as we want, on anything we want?”

His conclusion:

People ask how I can be a conservative and still want higher taxes. It makes my head spin, and I guess it shows how old I am. But I thought that conservatives were supposed to like balanced budgets. I thought it was the conservative position to not leave heavy indebtedness to our grandchildren. I thought it was the conservative view that there should be some balance between income and outflow. When did this change?

Oh, now, now, now I recall. It changed when we figured that we could cut taxes and generate so much revenue that we would balance the budget. But isn’t that what doctors call magical thinking? Haven’t the facts proved that this theory, though charming and beguiling, was wrong?

2 thoughts on “Ben Stein on Tax Cuts

  1. This is good. One of our guest bloggers contributed a “tax rant” yesterday: On why ALL housing is “subsidized,” in the form of tax breaks for homeowners. Agree / disagree it’s a fun read. It’s at The Pagan Science Monitor, and it’s by “Tall-Skinny,” a self-described kinky lawyer.

  2. All housing is subsidized. Yes. In other breaking news, the sun rises in the east, the Pope is Catholic, and rain is wet.

    Snark aside, I’d hope not too many intelligent people disagree with the idea that housing is subsidized. The government WANTS to promote home ownership.

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