Travel Google

So, Matt and I couldn’t get seats together on the final leg of our trip back to New York from London, which took off from Charlotte, NC. Our seats were right behind each other, though, and we each had the middle seat of three. Each of us was sitting next to a hot guy.

At one point during the flight, the hot guy next to me (tall, with wavy black hair, and hairy arms and legs) put away his GMAT study book, took out a laptop, and opened a Word document. As he was typing, I noticed his name at the top of the document.

Is it wrong that I committed the name to memory so I could Google him when I got home?

(I’m sure Matt’s eyes are rolling *way* up into his head as he reads this post.)

I didn’t necessarily do this because he was hot. It’s just that I’m curious about people and I think it’s fun to surreptitiously find stuff out about people in perfectly legal ways.

Of course, his hotness didn’t hurt.

And I was able to find a picture of him online.

All praise Google.

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