6 thoughts on “Craig Arrested in Men’s Room

  1. Because the gay senators are all closeted and gravitate to the party where no one would suspect them? Just a thought.

    What I’m wondering: why is it now happening AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN? Is there a Republican who’s kept it in his pants in the last two decades? Is there a Democrat who *hasn’t*, other than Bill Clinton and Gary Condit?

  2. For many years the sex life of Senator Larry Craig was known to the public. Some cared, others did not. What angered so many in the country about this two-faced conservative was that while he was having sex with men he was also working in Congress to deny basic rights and fairness to gay Americans that have normal lives. You know, the kind that would never have sex with a conservative Republican anywhere….let alone in a bathroom.

    In 1996, Craig also voted in favor of the Defense of Marriage Act, which denies federal recognition to same-sex marriages and prevents states from being forced to recognize the marriages of gay and lesbian couples legally performed in other states.

    Craig has also opposed expanding the federal hate crimes law to cover offenses motivated by anti-gay bias and, in 1996, voted against a bill that would have outlawed employment discrimination based on sexual orientation, which failed by a single vote in the Senate.

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