5 thoughts on “Larry Craig/Avenue Q

  1. Thanks for that! It’s nice to see John Tartaglia again. I could eat him with a spoon!

    One thing that really bugs me about the Craig story is the repeated use of the word “gay.”

    Craig is not gay. He is apparently homosexual or bisexual, but he’s not gay. The very fact that he’s denying it proves that he’s not gay.

    People are homosexual or bisexual by nature. One is only “gay” by the conscious choice to opnely accept and embrace one’s sexuality and integrate it in one’s life in a healthy way.

    “Homosexual” describes orientation and acts. “Gay” describes a person’s identity. All gay men are homosexual, but not all homosexual men — probably not even the majority of homosexual men — are “gay.”

    Even though it took a very public corruption scandal to push him out of the closet, Jim McGreevey is (now) gay. Craig is not gay. His just a hypocritical homosexual.

  2. Yes, I read your blog post about this as well. It’s an interesting point, but I’m not sure I totally agree, because I don’t think everyone would agree with this difference. For most people, “homosexual” and “gay” mean the same thing. You might be proposing that the terms be used to mean different things, but right now I don’t think this is where things are.

  3. I’m hhappy that you read mine post and added me to your blog roll. Thanks!

    I guess I’m just being contrarian, but as a gay man I don’t want to lumped into the same group with slimeballs like Craig and Mark Foley and Ted Haggart.

    There should be a different word for people who are open and unashamed of their sexual orientations and belong to a community that doesn’t need to hide underground and behind closed doors on the one hand — and people like them on the other.

    “Gay,” originally meaning “happy,” should have a positive and affirming sense. I also object to the term “gay porn.”

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