Spitzer Poll

According to a new poll, only 36 percent of New Yorkers view Governor Spitzer favorably.

I guess I must be part of the minority that still likes him.

The most important thing in New York state government right now is to break up the antidemocratic power structure, where Joseph Bruno and Sheldon Silver control and conceal the entire agenda and ordinary senators and assembly members are not allowed to deviate. The system is rotten, and, unlike the somnolent and complacent Pataki, Spitzer is making a good-faith attempt to shake things up and fix them. No, it’s not going to pretty, but it needs to be done.

Has Spitzer made missteps? Yes. But he can learn from them. I still think his overriding goal is a noble one.

If you have time, read this lengthy but informative profile of Spitzer from last week’s New Yorker.

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