
Jesus. Does Matthew Murray ever like going to the theater? I think 90 percent of the reviews I’ve ever read by him have been negative.

Seriously, why go to the theater if you get no joy out of it and hate everything you see?

3 thoughts on “Murray

  1. Oh, he’s liked lots of things. Many of them are way out of left field, but he’s liked them. And he’s developed into a really good writer over time.

    I’ll tell you, though: he’s one hard man to sit through a bad show with. He sighed so loudly and so often through Into the Woods that I felt like I was in a wind tunnel.

  2. anyone who thinks Marty’s costumes looked cheap just doesn’t know his ass from his elbow. From the sumptuous fabrics to exquisite (or intentionally poor) tailoring and trimming, they ain’t cheap. They’re also pretty fucking great designs: i doubt they’ll be bested. The set was pretty rag-tag, i’ll give Matthew that. But he doesn’t know shit about clothes.

  3. Once upon a time, the most perfect musical ever in the history of musicals was created. It was called “A Class Act” and, somehow, it’s horrible failure on Broadway has paved the way for nothing ever to measure up ever again.

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