5 thoughts on “Appalachia Hearts Hillary

  1. Oh, so that explains California, New York, Texas, Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Michigan?

    (Over 50% of the U.S. population lives in these seven states)

  2. What are you talking about? Josh Marshall’s map shows hardly any counties in Florida or California where she won by at least 65 percent. It almost seems like you didn’t even read the post I linked to.

    Not that that would be a new thing. Your comments rarely have anything to do with the posts they purportedly respond to. It’s more like “Oh, that post is vaguely related to something I’m angry about. So instead of responding to the post, I’ll just write about this instead.”

  3. Uh, that was my point that those states were not included. Reread your blog from “a distance” and see if you can understand why some people would be greatly offended.

    (here’s a hint: DUMB OLD WHITE PEOPLE)

  4. Those states were included. The map includes every county in the U.S. that has voted so far.

    I don’t see why you’d be offended by my blog post, since it was basically just a link to Josh Marshall’s post at TPM. If you’re offended by something he wrote, take it up with him. What part of his post offended you?

  5. I really enjoy your blog and I don’t want to “flame” it. I owe you a return email and will do so shortly. Thank you for your honesty; that’s one thing I like about your blog.

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