Gay Marriage Letter

This letter in the Times almost made me cry.

Governor Paterson will have a place in our hearts all of our lives. We have been married for 36 years and are blessed with four children. Our youngest, Jacob, happens to be gay. Three of them were married in the last couple of years. It has been a time of great joy for our family as they wed the love of their lives.

When our oldest son, Benjamin, got married, he asked Jacob to be his best man. Then our son Joshua got married and again Jacob was his best man. When our daughter, Britta, married her dear Matthew, she didn’t have a maid of honor. She had a man of honor, and it was her brother Jacob.

At each wedding, as Jacob stood by his siblings and signed the papers to make it legal, he did it knowing he did not have the right to marriage himself.

As a mom, I find that hard to understand and heartbreaking to know it is true. How can this country treat people in such a way that something as basic as finding love and being married can be denied to a whole segment of society?

We will do all that it takes to make sure our dear son Jacob can marry the love of his life. But right now, I want to send our love to Governor Paterson. He makes me want to move to New York!

Randi Reitan
Eden Prairie, Minn., May 30, 2008

Presumably her son is this Jacob Reitan.

2 thoughts on “Gay Marriage Letter

  1. Dear Tin Man,

    I am glad you liked the letter. It was rather funny … the Times contacted me to verify the letter just as Jake was being arrested in Times Square.

    I am so proud of Jake and long for the day he lives in equality. I will do whatever it takes to see that day dawn!

    Thank you for sharing this in your blog.

    with love from Minnesota… Randi

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