Clinton’s Speech

This, to me, was the most telling line of Clinton’s speech last night:

And I want the nearly 18 million Americans who voted for me to be respected, to be heard, and no longer to be invisible.

This is what it’s always been about for her. Respect. She feels like she’s been wronged, and that those who voted for her have been wronged, merely because somebody else won.

A desire to be respected is a desire grounded in insecurity. But respect isn’t something other people can give you. It’s something you have to give yourself.

Apparently the contest for her hasn’t been about getting a Democrat into the White House. It’s been about respect. She’s decided to ruin the party over… hurt feelings.

But feeding the fire of the people who didn’t vote for your party’s nominee, feeding their anger and insecurity, is really unprofessional, not to mention potentially destructive.

I will be making no decisions tonight.

How delusional are you? Don’t you get it? The decision is not yours to make. It’s already been made. You are not going to be the nominee. Your voters are not delegates that you control and can “release” to your opponent. They’re people with independent minds, and you can’t tell them what to do. And by the way — Obama already has the delegates. That’s what last night was about, in case you missed it.

Obama does not need to appoint you as his running mate, or promise to do anything for you. He’s the nominee. There’s no such thing as a co-presidency. The framers of the constitution thought about an executive council, but they decided to invest the executive power in a single individual.

The only choices you do have are whether to campaign for Obama, which, if you truly care about the issues more than you care about yourself, you will do enthusiastically; or to make an independent run, hoping to throw the election into the House and destroying the Democratic Party in the process.

But stop laboring under the delusion that you have any power left in this situation.

It’s not about you, Hillary. If you truly have any self-respect, you’ll realize this.

5 thoughts on “Clinton’s Speech

  1. Really? *sigh* Is there really nothing else worth writing about going on in so many people’s worlds? This just makes me sad. I don’t care anymore. MikeB’s right; my life probably won’t change that much either way.

  2. There are a few things La Clinton must be clued in on, but first and foremost is this:

    Every four years, LOTS of people lose their party’s nomination.

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