Chuck Todd Facts

Oh hell yes. It was only a matter of time until something like this appeared, wasn’t it.

I love Chuck Todd. Whenever he appears on TV, Matt and I say his name in a loud, fast, mysterious whisper. It’s just so much fun to say.

[Thanks, David!]

12 thoughts on “Chuck Todd Facts

  1. Funny, but I still like the original- Chuck Norris Facts. I was amused to see Norris referenced in one of the Todd facts.

  2. He is totally adorkable. He’s a big part of my passion for Countdown on MSNBC, with hot-daddy Keith and lesbian Jew goddess of my dreams Rachel Maddow. She is so fierce! I love when she spars with Pat Buchanan; now THAT is quality TV. (I wish someone would gently tell Jonathan Alter that it’s really time to shave it off.)

  3. who ever started this “Chuck Todd” thing has really good taste. If you queens want more of the fascinating Irish guy go to you’ll be up to you armpits in Chuck. By the way Daniel, for him to lose the goatee, would simply be a crime.

  4. He’s Irish? I never would have guessed.

    But hey, I’m totally respectful of other people’s interests, even if I don’t share or understand them.

    He’s not unattractive, certainly, but there’s just something about facial hair that rubs me the wrong way.

  5. Viva Chuck Todd is the true portal for all things Chuck Todd. The schwag alone is worth the trip. They’ve got a whole staff dedicated to making sure the world knows how hot our boy Chuck is

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