Kerry’s Speech

Although Bill Clinton and Joe Biden gave the marquee speeches last night, John Kerry spoke as well. And I agree with Josh Marshall — it was one of the best Kerry speeches I’ve ever seen.

It starts out slow but soon gets going. Jeez, where was this guy in 2004?

5 thoughts on “Kerry’s Speech

  1. Pingback: Egor Got Angry | Prose Before Hos

  2. This is the Kerry I grew up with, watching him constantly on the attack in debates making anyone who disagrees with him feel foolish and guilty for ever doubting him.

    I was waiting for this all of ’04, and when it never came out, I knew he was doomed…

    Too bad I just de-registered to vote in MA and will not get a chance to vote for him again…unless I end up back there, but let’s not talk about that.

  3. I’d say the same of Hillary Clinton. It’s startling to me how easy it is to analyze these political figures’ speeches. When they’re in the limelight, facing election, they play it safe, guided by polls and pundits. When they have nothing to lose, they lay out all of their cards and the result is staggering and electrifying. Isn’t it amazing to think they have yet to put that together in their head?

  4. Yes, that was very much my reaction. I think the “advice” Kerry got in 2004 was to not scare the swing voters; the Democratic insiders were so intimidated by Karl Rove that they basically reduced Kerry’s “message” to “We agree completely.” They would not challenge the Republicans on ANYTHING, they just lamely argued that the Democrats could pursue the same goals with better results. People often criticize Obama for being too timid, but he’s been referring to Iraq as “a war that should never have been authorized and should never have been waged” in pretty much every campaign speech he’s ever given; would only that Kerry had said as much. When Kerry last night came out with, “Are you kidding?” I was totally torn between shouting, “Right on!” and “AARRRRRRGHGHGGHGH!”

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