Palin = Huckabee

Human beings like to analogize.

So I’ve realized that Sarah Palin is also a female Mike Huckabee. A folksy, culturally right-wing governor who will fire up the base.

And one of my friends on Facebook said that Sarah Palin is to Hillary Clinton as Clarence Thomas is to Thurgood Marshall.

This is in addition to her being Harriet Miers and Dan Quayle.

I alternately think she’s a joke and fear her. Or, rather, I fear what she might do for McCain. The base will probably love her (Dobson likes her), and she might increase evangelical turnout, and that really scares me.

But I can’t imagine the PUMA people supporting her. I’d think/hope they would be insulted that McCain thinks he can win them over just by picking a candidate with ovaries — as insulted as they’d have been if Obama had picked Kathleen Sibelius.

Andrew Sullivan continues to dig up good stuff. Hopefully news organizations will pick up all these mini-scandals in a few days after the excitement wears off, and they’ll suck up oxygen, and they’ll show that Palin wasn’t vetted properly and that McCain is a reckless risk-taker. We’ve already had one of those for the last eight years and we don’t need another.

2 thoughts on “Palin = Huckabee

  1. Yeah, but Dan Quayle and Clarence Thomas made it through. I think she’s a millstone around McCain’s neck, but the Dems cannot ever become complacent.

    I actually admire Mike Huckabee, because I think actually most of his ideas are sincere and well thought-out; but he couldn’t be McCain’s VP because in addition to his social conservative credentials, he’s a tax-raising economic populist. Grover Norquist would have a heart attack. If I had to bet, the real ticket in November will be McCain/Romney, and that’s going to be hilarious because they hate each other. Romney even more so since he was passed over the first time. The conservatives like him on values, but they’re skeptical of the Mormon thing (and his Massachusetts record). But Wall Street loooooooooves him. Grover Norquist would have an orgasm.

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