Endless Netflix Rentals

Slate polled its readers to find the most common Netflix rentals to go unwatched. Slate‘s solution, by the way, is that if you don’t watch a movie within a week, send it back:

Mailing back a DVD unwatched doesn’t mean you’ll never get another shot at it. And Netflix is the one paying the postage. Why not give yourself a week to see Hotel Rwanda. If you don’t get to it, maybe it’s because you’re a bad person who turns a blind eye to unspeakable tragedy. But maybe it’s just because you’re not quite in the mood for it right now. Perhaps in a few months the disc will again reach the top of your queue and you’ll tear it out of the envelope and throw it into the Toshiba the day it arrives in the mail. In the meantime, you can get started on a good Paleolithic kick.

This weekend I finally watched The Insider after 2 ½ months.