Campaign Lies

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Nobody really expects politicians to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, but the willingness of the candidates to brazenly tell out-and-out lies has reached a new high this year. In the past, politicians would shade the truth a bit and if they were caught, would stop. No more. The Washington Post has a story on that today. One example: “McCain says rival Barack Obama would raise everyone’s taxes, even though the Democrat’s tax plan exempts families that earn less than $250,000.” But a poll taken Sept. 5-7 shows that 51% of the voters thought Obama would raise their taxes. Republican strategist John Feegery said: “these little facts don’t really matter.” What he means is that the campaign is trying to exploit the long-standing Republican theme that Democrats raise taxes and Obama’s promise to raise taxes only on the rich is an unimportant detail that can be safely ignored. In the past the press called candidates to order when they lied. Now the model is to give each side equal time, even if one is brazenly lying. For example, if Obama wanted to motivate younger voters, he could say: “McCain will bring back the draft and everyone under 21 will be sent to Iraq.” There is not a shred of evidence for this, of course, but the press would dutifully report it along with McCain’s outraged denial. But the seed would be planted. Three days later there would be a poll showing that 35% of the voters think McCain will bring back the draft. That’s how the game is played these days. It ain’t beanbag.

What Obama should actually do is start saying to seniors, “McCain will take away your Social Security.” Then let the press fight it out with McCain.

One thought on “Campaign Lies

  1. I cannot claim to be fair, but it seems there is a double standard on this issue. While the Republican’s can get away with outright lies, the Democrats are held to a higher standard, and the backlash is FAR greater.

    I believe that if Obama played the draft card without the facts backing him up, you would see articles very soon about how the Democrats lie and the media is at fault for reporting it.

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