Write to Marry Day

Write to Marry Day

Today is Write to Marry Day.

I’ve already written about Prop 8 in California, and how important it is for Californians to vote “No” in order to protect the right of same-sex couples to get married.

Two big fears of the anti-marriage crowd right now appear to be that (1) same-sex marriage violates freedom of religion, and (2) teachers will be required to teach little kids about gay people.

Regarding the point about freedom of religion: Andy convincingly shows why this argument is wrong.

I would add that religious groups in this country have always had to deal with secular laws that might discriminate against them. This is not a new thing. “[R]eligious entities have no right under the First Amendment’s Religion Clauses to avoid neutral, generally-applicable anti-discrimination laws,” according to this commentary. These things have a way of being worked out in courts and legislatures. Yes, a religious organization might be sued, but the threat of a lawsuit in and of itself does not mean that your rights are being denied.

Regarding the second point, about children: I will never understand the fears about children being exposed to the concept of homosexuality. When little kids learn about Prince Charming and Cinderella, do they hop into bed and start fucking each other? No. Do Disney movies or fairy tales about couples living “happily ever after” teach them about penises and vaginas? No.

Anyway, kids tend to be curious about penises and vaginas on their own, since every kid has one or the other. Kids want to know about their equipment. It’s the parents who are afraid to talk about it.

Certain ignorant people think that homosexuality is contagious. That’s ridiculous. I didn’t “learn to be gay” from gay people. I didn’t even know any gay people growing up. Almost every gay person grows up with straight parents and is surrounded by straight couples, and yet still turns out to be gay.

Why don’t they look at the Massachusetts education system and see what’s happening there, instead of just tossing around fear and hysteria?

Aw, enough. I’m preaching to the choir. Just get out and vote “No” on Prop 8 on Tuesday if you’re a Californian, and donate money if you haven’t already, whether you’re a Californian or not.

6 thoughts on “Write to Marry Day

  1. Thanks for the link!

    This is not a close call, or shouldn’t be, at any rate. The arguments in favor of the proposition simply aren’t rational. “Protect” marriage from what? What do they think is going to happen? Same-sex marriage has been legal in Massachusetts for four years and in California for four months — what has changed? They really fear that straight people are going to suddenly “go gay” because it’s not illegal. That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. And as a religious person, I get particularly irritated that these jokers are trying to speak up for religious freedom, when they represent only one view among many, and are trying to establish their religious prejudice as the law of the land. MAN I hope this fails!

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  3. The people shouting about their supposed fears about sex ed and free speech in churches are lying, and they know it. But apparently lying is alright if you are a pious enough individual.

  4. Wonderful post, and I definitely agree with you about the kids. It mystifies me, too. I know someone whose brother is gay and when one of her young sons asked what it meant she told him, some men love men and some men love women. Simple, direct and to the point. She loves her brother, her sons love their uncle. End of story. No big deal explaining homosexuality to the kids.

  5. Doing my part, and voting “NO” on ballot question 2 re. marriage definition in FL. Similar to the proposition 8 in CA.

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