3 thoughts on “Poll Closing Times Map

  1. I can’t wait for this to be over. I want Obama to win, but I really just can’t wait for all of this madness to be done with. That’s enough for one election cycle!

  2. Let’s hear it for living on the west coast! Best excuse EVAH for leaving work early. I have got to be home and near my bottle of Veuve Clicquot (that’s what us snobby liberal elitist fake Americans drink on election night, so put that in your Bud Lite and smoke it) when Pennsylvania gets called for Obama.

    I’m with Jess. Today is the longest day of my life. Tomorrow might be worse.

    It’s not just that the campaign has been nearly two years in the making…it’s that, DEAR GOD, finally — FINALLY — we see the end of the Bushies. It is time for major house cleaning!!!!!

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