Brains are Back

Brains Are Back!

Michael Hirsh writes:

What Obama’s election means, above all, is that brains are back. Sense and pragmatism and the idea of considering-all-the-options are back. Studying one’s enemy and thinking through strategic problems are back. Cultural understanding is back. Yahooism and jingoism and junk science about global warming and shabby legal reasoning about torture are out. The national culture of flag-pin shallowness that guided our foreign policy is gone with the wind. And for this reason as much as any, perhaps I can renew my pride in being an American.

One thought on “Brains are Back

  1. I always felt pride in being an American, although Mr. Hirsh may have just meant his was somewhat diminished. In any case, I always remembered all of the good things this country does (and has done), even during these recent dark days.

    As for the days, months and years ahead, jingoism, junk science, etc., aren’t gone. They’re just going to be overridden by better motivators for the time being. But never doubt that they are out there, driven by narrow-minded, self-serving people who will bamboozle the electorate again. Sadly, most people are so intellectually lazy and poorly educated about issues that they will again believe some Karl Rove types who will deceive them. We have some good days ahead, it appears, but there will more of this nonsense. It never really ends. This is a never-ending battle, but it’s a battle well worth fighting.

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