Savage vs. Perkins

Below, Dan Savage and Tony Perkins argue about Prop 8. (Via Andrew Sullivan.) I’m not a fan of people raising their voices and interrupting each other on TV, but Savage is great here with his cogent one-liners. This one’s my favorite:

Perkins: “Boy, you can’t get a word in edgewise here.”
Savage: “Well, you stripped me of my rights and I interrupt you. Who’s really suffering here?”

Savage blogs, “And, yes, I did interrupt Tony Perkins—quite a lot. I’ve been on TV with Mr. Perkins before, and his MO is never shut up, and run out the clock, and interrupt. And I just wasn’t having it tonight.”

Go Dan.

5 thoughts on “Savage vs. Perkins

  1. Peaceful protests and televised debates accomplish nothing. There will never be any real change until people have the courage to take up arms and tear down the rotten foundations of this society of injustice.

  2. Finally got a chance to watch this…

    Two thoughts:
    1) The quote you pulled out in the post is pretty amazing. Only time Tony was silent was right after that…

    2) Tony kept saying that “it’s nto a majority.” I want to know what his definition of majority is…also what “greater good” is…

    And I am surprised that you, of all people, did not post Keith Olbermann’s commentary from earlier in the week…though I’m sure everyone who reads your blog has seen it. I think that commentary should be everybody’s response to the anti gay-marriage movement.

    Every time a gay rights issues comes up, I get proud of being from Massachusetts…

  3. Pingback: The Tin Man » Keith Olbermann on Same-Sex Marriage

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