Bill Kristol Leaves the Times

This week’s New York Times column by Bill Kristol has the best ending ever:

This is William Kristol’s last column.


As for the substance of his piece:

Conservative policies have on the whole worked…

Yes, that’s why the country is in such great shape right now.

Good riddance, jackass.

5 thoughts on “Bill Kristol Leaves the Times

  1. turns out bill got the exclusive contract to wax the inside lip of the toilets at penn station in nyc. he sealed the deal by promising to complete each bowl using only his tongue and a tucks….god love him!

  2. It is inappopriate to denigrate a well regarded columnist because you disagree with him. Where is the outrage and demand by left-liberals for diversity of opinion in the editorial page at the NYT?

  3. I don’t think the propriety of denigrating someone depends on how well-regarded that person is.

    If the Times picks a conservative replacement for Kristol, hopefully the paper will pick someone who puts cohesive thought above blind loyalty to the Republican Party. George Packer came up with some possibilities recently.

  4. “It is inappopriate to denigrate a well regarded columnist because you disagree with him.”

    If Kristol was “well-regarded” the New York Times would have kept him. His columns were pathetic ‘Sarah Palin is great,’ ‘John McCain needs to use Rev. Wright against Obama,’ ‘Sarah Palin is great!’

  5. This is exactly what President Obama was referring to when he implores our nation to politically purge the ideologically intolerant. The emerging concept of True America is better than the those who have become too comfortable using ideological-ghetto-speak; Civility is the trait that the real, new Americans embrace.

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