iPhone Vacation

One more thing about our vacation: this was our first extended trip since I got my iPhone, and that little device was my BEST fricking FRIEND. In my pocket I had a camera, a map, a GPS device, an email checker, a web browser, a telephone, a music player, a weather reporter, an alarm clock, and a game player. This thing is the coolest device EVER.

Of course, Matt is going to disagree with me as soon as he gets the new Palm Pre, whenever that may be.

2 thoughts on “iPhone Vacation

  1. The Pre is gorgeous. I’m happy with iPhone though. It’s hard to get over how much functionality is packed into one device that’s (mostly) a pleasure to use.

  2. Sure these jeejahs are cool NOW, but just you wait…

    …soon they’ll unveil iPhones that you can have implanted in your body so you’ll never be without them…

    …they’ll even be tied into you bank and credit accounts so you’ll never need to carry cash or cards again…

    …then the One World Government will make having one mandatory so you would not be able to buy or sell without them and so they can track and control you.

    Hey, it’s all in the Book of Revelation. ;)

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