Glee, Swingle Singers, Golliwog’s Cakewalk

We watched the premiere of “Glee” last night. It was cute. It’s about a high school Spanish teacher (played by Broadway actor Matthew Morrison) who takes over the school’s glee club. Apparently there are going to be all sorts of theater guest stars when it officially premieres in September. It’s catnip for us gays.

I don’t know why they’re calling it a glee club; it’s really a show choir. This is a glee club. If this show gets popular, for the rest of my life I’m going to have to explain to people that when I was in the Virginia Glee Club we did not dance around in costumes and sing pop songs.

Much of the background music to this episode was provided by the Swingle Singers; one music clip recurred three or four times during the episode, and Matt and I both thought it sounded familiar and were racking our brains to figure out what it was. After the show ended, we spent the next 45 minutes furiously googling and finally figured out that it was “Golliwogg’s Cakewalk” from Debussy’s “Children’s Corner.” “Golliwogg’s Cakewalk” is a pretty racist name for a piece of music, but it was written 100 years ago by a Eurpoean, so what can you do. Here’s a clip of someone playing it.

2 thoughts on “Glee, Swingle Singers, Golliwog’s Cakewalk

  1. I didn’t watch, but the name is giving me cognitive dissonance too. The other thing giving me agita is imagining the lame edits that will start to show up on that Wikipedia page.

  2. Hey there
    Thanks for putting this up. Yes, you are right, a lot of the music to “Glee” is actually by the Swingle Singers including “Soul Bossa Nova”, “A Fifth of Beethoven”, “Flight of the Bumblebee” and “Golliwog’s Cakewalk”.

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