Matt Bomer Cruised Me

Okay, I don’t know if he actually cruised me. But it sort of seemed like he did, and anyway, it makes a good title for a blog post.

Matt Bomer is the star of White Collar, a new TV series that premieres on the USA network this Friday night. Bomer has had a recurring role on Chuck and was on a short-lived TV show called Traveler, among other things. He was also almost the new Superman in the movie remake, but Bryan Singer took over as director and hired Brandon Routh instead.

Anyway, a couple of months ago White Collar was filming at a church on our block. I had no idea what it was — I just saw the signs on the lampposts that said the name of the project was White Collar. But in the early evening (it was still light out), I was walking to the subway station near our building when I saw this tall, handsome, well-dressed man walking in the opposite direction. As he approached me, I did the thing where you quickly look at someone’s eyes, then quickly look away, and then quickly look back. Well, I looked at him, and he looked at me, and when I shifted my eyes away and then looked at him again, he was still looking at me. We continued walking our separate ways.

I thought, Wait a minute. That guy looked so familiar. Who is he? Is he in the show they’re filming? I racked my brain to try to figure it out, and then I finally remembered. Later, when I got home, I went to IMDB and saw that sure enough, Matt Bomer was in White Collar.

Now, I don’t know his sexual orientation, and I don’t consider myself cruiseworthy material for a nearly 6-foot-tall gorgeous TV star. There are any number of reasons his eyes might have lingered on me. Maybe he saw me looking at him and was enjoying the attention. Maybe he was in actor mode, since he was heading back to the set. Maybe I had a booger hanging out of my nose. (I didn’t.) Maybe he thought I looked familiar. Maybe he thought there was something interesting about my face.

But it’s fun to say that Matt Bomer cruised me. So that’s my story.

And we’re going to watch White Collar this weekend to see if they show the church.

9 thoughts on “Matt Bomer Cruised Me

  1. That would sure beat the three most famous people who have cruised me: Barney Frank, Rich Tafel, and Andrew Sullivan. I find all of their personalities even more unappealing than their appearances.

  2. Not all at the same time, I hope! Of the three, Tafel is probably the least unappealing physically and Frank earned major points from me with the “dining room table” comment, but I agree they’re all pretty vile. I’m pretty sure I’ve been cruised by Rufus Wainwright and Barry Manilow.

  3. He picked me up at a gay bar about 4-5 years ago. “Flight Plan” was coming out. He was super sweet, a great kisser, very sexy and a great lover. If he isn’t gay which I doubt he’s at least bisexual.

  4. Matt Bomer is realated to me. My mom just explaned it to me and now i wanna know how to get in touch. If he dosent know that im realated well i am. Hes on my Mommys Mom side of the family. Ask him if Grace Bomer rings a bell cuz shes realated to me so yeaaa. Hope he knows that im in his family Lolz!

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