Chronic DVR Pausers Avoided By Women

That was the below-the-fold headline on a newspaper page featured for a split second on 30 Rock last night (right below “TRACY’S CLAPS-GIVING YAY HA-RADE!”). We are chronic DVR pausers, so we saw it. Oddly, I googled the phrase just now and nothing came up:

I am working from home today and I’m taking a lunch break and I have the screen paused on the TV, so I know that’s the exact wording. I found one reference to it online with the wrong wording, but that’s it. It kind of weirds me out that there are no other references. (Until this post goes live, I guess.)

4 thoughts on “Chronic DVR Pausers Avoided By Women

  1. Haha, chronic DVR pausers here too! We paused there too but didn’t notice that DVR headline. I was also busy squinting to see the name of the paper. I think it might’ve been the New York Post? Oh, Google’s already indexed this entry! (We’re also chronic pausers and reversers when it comes to skipping and seeing like nanoseconds of a cute guy… we’re like, wait go back! Well, we don’t even tell each other… we know whoever has the remote is going back.) ;-)

  2. Haha yeah we do that all the time as well. I use to do it whenever I was watching Just Shoot Me, whenever they had the shot of the magazine cover so that I could read all of the head lines.

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