August 24

I’m a geek about dates sometimes. I remember the exact dates of many events in my life. I don’t know why.

For example, I’ve always remembered that I moved into my first-year dorm at UVa on August 24, 1991. (Oddly, I started law school on the exact same date, five years later — though maybe it’s not so odd; each date moves ahead one day further in the week each year, so five years plus two leap days (in 1992 and 1996) equals seven days, and therefore August 24, 1996 fell on the same day of the week as August 24, 1991, and UVa always does its move-in on a Saturday in late August. Geekitude!)

So this afternoon I realized that it was 19 years ago today that I moved into my college dorm. And then I realized, wow — 19 years ago, most of today’s entering college students weren’t even born.

God, I feel old.