
Today’s my birthday. I’m 38 years old today.

I’m not sure I like birthdays anymore. They’re just a reminder that I’m getting older. It’s silly, really, because I’m only one day older than I was yesterday, and the only reason I celebrate today is because the Earth is in the same place relative to the Sun as it was on the day I was born. But still.

Last year when I turned 37 I felt this *click* as I transitioned from my mid-30s to my late 30s. Last year I suddenly saw 40 on the horizon. I then realized I still had three years to go before I turned 40. So this birthday doesn’t feel as troubling as my last birthday because I’ve also resigned myself to the fact that 40 is approaching in a couple of years.

I don’t really know how to act my age anymore, and I haven’t for a few years. I don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing. I’m not in my 20s. But I’m not middle-aged, either. I don’t like getting drunk or staying out late like I used to. On the other hand, I still want to have a life, and I don’t really feel like I do. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life not doing anything new and not challenging myself.

Most people my age are straight and married with a couple of kids in elementary school or middle school or even high school. If I were straight I’d be a dad. But I’m not. So I never really know what I’m supposed to be doing.

I’m not young but I’m not old. It’s weird.

One thought on “Thirty-Eight

  1. You’re not supposed to be anything or be doing anything. That’s both the challenge and the opportunity: we get to author our own lives nowadays in ways previous generations didn’t.

    Always turn to Sondheim and it will be OK: “White. A blank page or canvas…. So many possibilities.” Happy belated birthday.

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